In September we have shown a wing with supercritical flow. Since then we have been busy refining the design of the aircraft. The result can bee seen below:


 SmartFish Design 28 POC

We have now a perfect supercritical flow (means no shocks, no buffeting and no flow separation over the complete aircraft) up to Mach 0.88. The flow quality in the inlet is also very good over the whole flight regime; from low subsonic up to high transonic speeds.


Supercritical flow at cruise with Mach 0.88

You think that SmartFish is too much thinking out of the box? That was the same people have been thinking about the VLJ segment:

“What I learned from the information technology world was that the non-existence of a market is viewed as a perfect opportunity,” a manager told Business & Commercial Aviation magazine. “But in our business – aviation – it’s viewed as a proof it shouldn’t exist”    

From Aviation Week & Space Technology / 25th of July 2005

Stay tuned for more news.